Baby Dedication - next dedication TBD

  • Baby dedication is an important step of obedience in your walk with God as a parent. As you seek to obey the Lord in this matter, there are a few things that you should keep in mind: 

    What is Baby/Child Dedication?

    Baby (or child) dedication is the act of giving back to God the gift He has given you as parents. It is an act of worship, thanksgiving, dependence, trust, and commitment. The practice of child dedication has been modeled throughout the Bible. 

    The Israelites brought their 8-day-old children to the priest for blessing. Hannah (I Samuel 1:24-28) brought her long-awaited son Samuel to the priest Eli to dedicate him to the Lord.  Mary & Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple for his dedication (Luke 2:22). Even Jesus allowed the parents to bring their children to come to Him so that He could bless them (Matthew 19.13-15). 

    Parents must recognize that salvation only comes to a child through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; it is not passed on to a child through family, church membership, dedication, or any other ceremony. Parents covenant to raise their children by modeling Godly principles with the desire that one day, their children will take their own personal step of faith and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. 

    Is dedication the same as infant baptism or “christening”? 

    No. Child dedication is different from infant baptism or christening. While these rites hold significance for a variety of faiths, it is the practice of Lighthouse to dedicate children instead. We believe the Bible teaches that true baptism should take place only after a person has made a personal choice to follow Jesus Christ. 

    Proper Attire 

    Please dress appropriately. While we have no dress-code at The Lighthouse, it is important to consider the tone of the ceremony. We wish to foster an attitude of respect, and honor for the Lord.  

    Order of Service 

    The ceremony will include the following: A song of worship; a freewill offering; a Biblical devotional; a spiritual challenge; an affirmation; and finally the formal presentation of the child to the Lord. Please be aware that as parents, you will be expected to actively participate in this ceremony. Your role will include reciting certain responses at the Pastor’s direction, which confirm your promise to raise your child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Additionally, every Biblical example of a child dedication involved the presentation of an offering given by the child’s parents. So, while there is no pre-determined fee for this ministry service, you are called to show your appreciation to the Lord’s Minister by presenting an offering. 

  • Parent's Info

  • Phone Number
  • Child's Info

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