The statement of fundamental truths listed below is intended to be a basis of fellowship and voluntary cooperation. The list is derived from the official Assemblies of God Statement of Fundamental Truths which represent the nonnegotiable tenants of faith that all Assemblies of God institutions adhere to.
This statement does not claim to contain all Biblical Truth, but the irreducible minimum for all full Gospel ministry. Thus, this statement of faith is essential because it provides an explanation of our understanding of what the Bible teaches, and thereby provides the framework in which our curriculum and instruction occurs.
The Scriptures
We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired of God and are the infallible revelation of God to man, serving as our all sufficient rule for faith and practice.
Nature of God
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ was sent of God, begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and came into the world as Savior for man’s redemption.
When Christ came to the earth in the incarnation, God’s Life was housed in a body prepared by Mary. He was tested of the devil in every aspect of human life, crucified, resurrected, ascended to the Father and was glorified as the incorruptible seed, the Word of God (I Peter 1:23). This seed of Life is what is planted into the dead spirits of men by the miracle of the new birth.
Man was created in the image of God and became alienated from God through Adam’s sin. The Lord Jesus Christ came into this world, died for our sins according to the Scripture, giving His Life a sacrifice and shedding His Blood. Being reconciled by His death, the saving Life of Jesus Christ becomes the new nature that is to be fed and developed by the Holy Spirit in each Christian (Romans 5:10).
We believe in the ordinance of baptism by immersion as commanded in the Scriptures by our LORD for all believers, to appropriate their death with Christ on Calvary and rise with Him in newness of life.
Resurrection and Return of Christ
We believe Christ arose from the dead with a glorified body, ascended into heaven and is on the right hand of the Father as our Advocate and our High Priest. Three appearances of Christ were ordained in the Divine plan: the first was when he came into the world through the miracle of the incarnation; the second will occur when He returns for those who have received the cleansing of His Blood, the impartation of His Life, and have made themselves ready; the third will be when He returns with His saints to reign on earth for one thousand years.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Divine Healing
We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence as in Acts 2:4. We believe that in God’s redemption plan for man He has provided through His Son and by the Holy Spirit the miracle of healing for the body, soul and spirit.
Final Judgment
We believe there will be a final judgment in which whosoever is not found written in the Book of Life will be consigned to the lake of fire.
Final Purpose
We believe that God is bringing His Church to completion and expect to see an increasing demonstration of God’s supernatural grace and power in meeting human need.