Baptism Form - next baptism on Feb 2, 2025

  • Water Baptism is one of the two ordinances of the church. It is a symbolic act practiced by Christ Himself, taught to the disciples, and commanded of new believers. Water baptism follows salvation; those who believe in Christ are to be subsequently baptized with water (Acts 2:38). It represents their commitment to forsake their sinful human nature, and to commit themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). Please read and study the Meaning of Water Baptism hand-out, and complete this form, and turn it in to the office.

    Why is infant baptism Not Acceptable?
    Baptism as Christ experienced is different from infant baptism or christening. While these hold significance for some faiths, it is the practice of The Lighthouse to dedicate children instead. The Bible teaches that true baptism should take place only after a person has made a personal response to follow Jesus Christ. Children under thirteen who wish to be baptized will be considered on an individual basis; and parental permission will be sought.

    Preparation and Attire:
    Please dress appropriately; we wish to foster an attitude of respect, and honor for the Lord. You will be completely immersed (dunked) under water, so wear dark clothing, as thin, light clothing may become revealing and inappropriate.

    Ladies: Wear a one-piece bathing suit under a dark-colored t-shirt without writing on it, and shorts
    Men: Wear a shorts-style bathing suit with a dark-colored t-shirt without writing on it

    Baptism will take place at the conclusion of the worship service; you will have time to change clothes; you may change in the restrooms located in the church foyer. Also bring a large towel, a plastic bag will be provided for your wet clothing.

    On the Basis of the Confession of Your Faith
    You are being baptized on the basis of the confession of your faith in Jesus Christ; The only requirement is a salvation experience and desire to completely follow Christ. Each person (no exceptions) will be required to share a brief (no longer than 2 minutes) personal declaration of faith in Jesus Christ before they are baptized. This is because the act of baptism is about more than yourself. Baptism is for the church as well, for as you are baptized the church experiences increase of the Kingdom of God.

  • Baptism Applicant Info

  • Phone Number
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  • *Only press the Submit button ONCE